Thursday, 18 June 2015

1st Anniversary!

                                The Day It All Started

New place, New friends, New aspirations... Everything was new!! It was new but it felt like it was my own. I think you should've guessed it by now. I'm talking about school, about our BBPS.
    It was on 18th June, 2014 that it all started. The academic session 2014-15 for Class 11th started this day a year back.

I still remember, I was very scared and kinda stumbled into my class. Oh wait, at first I couldn't even find my class. I was searching for it and it all 'accidentally fell into place'. The first thing that happened was the small welcome session that took place in the Multipurpose Hall...I was very excited, yet scared. But I knew this was destined for me. This is the perfect fit ever.
   Right after, we came to class, we had to find seats and had to settle down.. I sat with Roshini. 
(sorry Rosh, for troubling you! :P) I became friends with many people. Many friends who've now become family.

 This was about that day.. when everything was loose apart. But today I know for a fact and can say with 100% conviction that we're woven into one small bundle of love. The BBPS FAMILY! 

All my teachers have at some point scolded me.. or should I say every other day! :P But it is valuable, their opinion does matter. They've made me a better person for sure! I can't just thank them enough. 

Some people told me... how can you be so attached.. it's just been a year. But I've an answer to this and the answer is my School.
    Yes, this school has given me lots of happiness and beyond. It's filled many empty spaces and has made me a happier person today. It has given me some incredible chances to showcase my talents. It has given me a few friends for life.It has given me my second family, i.e my teachers. It has given me a whole new experience of just being myself.
  I just love my school, and I will always keep loving it. The memories, The full of life days, The punishments, The proud moments... I WILL STEAL EVERYTHING AND TAKE THEM AWAY WITH ME.
Now, I can say.. I ain't a new student. I'm a Bal Bharatian. I have a special connect with this school.
I thank all of you for tolerating me for the past one year :P ( keep tolerating for some more time though)



  1. Congrats!!! Enjoy the next year toooooo.......!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you :) and yeah I sure will!
