But with the on-set of rains this admission process has become an uphill task for many who travel by bus and local trains...with just slight rainfall the streets of Sion-Dadar-Matunga were flooded and the subways had this stale and damp smell and stank to high heaven.
During the rains, Mumbai faces this problem every year.... How many of us have thought of the hazardous effects of one small plastic bag during the monsoon? How many times have we opened our car window and thrown an empty packet out? Most of us do this all the time, no matter what time of year it is. So we too are responsible for clogging up our drains.We have to clean up our own act and stop blaming the BMC all the time. Its unfortunate that because of our own deeds, the monsoons has now become a dreaded season for the Mumbaiites who travel everyday for work school and college.I don't think Mumbaiites will ever enjoy the monsoon again, and this is tragic because it was one of the most BEAUTIFUL seasons of the year.
very relevant anushka. Keep posting. Good luck.